Two years ago I listed my recommended podcasts. Here’s an updated list. Guide: Asterisks are meant to show how timeless the episodes are. One asterisk (*) means the last year or so is likely still relevant. Three (***) means you could (or should) start from the first episode and it would still be relevant. The number two (2) means they were also on my list two years ago. I don't necessarily listen to every episode, especially for podcasts that do different topics or different guests (like Vox, Spycast, Hidden Brain). You can’t really skip episodes for serials (podcasts that tell a story, like In the Dark). Tiers are based on a combination of quality and personal preference. Tier 1 In the Dark *** [Crime podcast. Start with season 1. This show is amazing.] Revisionist History *** (2) [Malcolm Gladwell's podcast. First couple seasons were outstanding. The most recent episodes are just ads for Gladwell's other projects.] I Spy by Foreign Policy *** [Fun stuff....
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