I posted Voter Fraud a decade ago, when Wisconsin passed a Voter ID law. That article holds up pretty well today. Sadly, voter suppression efforts have also held up quite well. It’s time for an update, plus some commentary on a discussion I saw. First, I need to correct an error in my older post, where I referred to the “Constitutional right to vote”. Alas, the Constitution contains no right to vote! While our Founding Fathers did a lot of things pretty well, they didn’t bother to guarantee the vote. It’s a difficult right to guarantee, as it does require some agency on the part of the voter, and voter agency is something you cannot guarantee. The Founding Fathers could still have done better than they did. They couldn't commit to a right to vote when they wanted more people kept out of the ballot box than allowed inside. This initial error led successive generations to fix the Constitutional “sorta maybe right to vote” with amendments. But like a roof, patching up a Constitution...
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