The Russian invasion of Ukraine is an unmitigated tragedy playing out in searing slow motion before our eyes. There is no end to this brutality that is currently in sight. Some of my commentary comes from various news sources, but some continues to come from historian and author Timothy Snyder. He gave a nice talk you can see here . Give to alleviate this suffering. There are good venues here or through the ELCA here . When there is a refugee crisis, there is a surge in donations which subsides quickly after the crisis leaves the front page. Consider recurring donations. When you donate to alleviate the suffering of Ukrainian refugees, you also contribute to political stability in Eastern Europe. Large influxes of refugees can destabilize governments. Poland, Romania, and Moldova have their own struggles resisting authoritarian influence. If the strain of so many refugees causes political strife in those countries, Putin will fund neo-fascist political parties to take advantage. We ca...
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