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Showing posts from 2009

Russia and Iran and America, oh my

While America ponders health care and the economy, a lot is happening in foreign affairs. The UN's nuclear watchdog group leaked that Iran is probably much closer to having nukes than anyone thought. At the same time, Isreal leaked that Russian scientists have likely been helping Iran advance it's nuclear agenda. Here are some excerpts from recent Stratfor papers on the topic: "...previous assumptions on time frames on Iran are no longer valid, and worst-case assumptions must now be assumed. The Iranians are in fact moving rapidly toward a weapon; have been extremely effective in deceiving US intelligence (read, they deceived the Bush administration, but the Obama administration has figured it out); and therefore, we are moving toward a decisive moment with Iran. Second, this situation is the direct responsibility of Russian nuclear expertise. [Whether with or without Russian government blessing,] is immaterial. "The US and Isreal are telling Iran that its deception c...

Real Estate in America

We sold our house this summer and bought a new home. The experience has led me to reflect on homes and home-buying in America. As in any industry, there are good and bad incentives at work in real estate. A home seller would like to get the highest price for their house and sell it in a reasonable period of time. The industry operates on a commission system so that the agent seeks to sell the house at a higher price. This incentive works, but only to a point. Consider the impact of $5000 on the seller vs. the agent. Six percent of $5000 is $300. After the realty company and purchasing agent take their cut, the agent isn't left with much. A $5000 difference in the price of the house means little to the agent, but a lot to the home owner. Does an agent become successful by getting the highest price or by turning over lots of houses? The answer is obvious. An agent's ideal world is not one where people get exactly the right price for their homes, it is a world where everyone is wi...